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Re: Confused by Kastners charts

To: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>,
Subject: Re: Confused by Kastners charts
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 20:28:43 -0500
Hi Dick, 

No it doesn't. 

At the top of both charts on page 9 and 10 it says -- Cyl head stock
except for compression increase. 

Page 10

Curve A... "Stock engine"  -- Peaks at 104 HP. I read that as stock
engine w/o compression increase This curve is of no concern to me.

Curve B... 10.0:1 CR Vel Stacks valve Grind -- Peaks at  113 HP. I read
this to mean that it's a 10.0:1 compression increase and noting more
done to the head other than the valve grind that is stated.

Curve C... "B" plus the S2 cam shaft -- Peaks at 139 HP

Curve D... "C" plus exhaust extractor -- is of no concern to me    

Page 9

Curve A... S2 cam shaft 10.0:1 CR -- Peaks at 148 HP

Curve B and C are the S4 Cam shaft -- these are of no concern to me. 

So, both pages say "Cyl Head stock except for compression increase".
Curve A on page 9 and curve C on page 10 both have the 10.0:1 CR and
both use the S2 cam. They are the same with the exception that curve C
on page 10 also uses  Vel stacks and valve grind, yet this curve Peaks
lower (139 HP) than does the Curve A on page 9 (148 Hp). I guess this
means that if I add Vel stacks and do a valve grind it will lower the
HP??? Maybe it wasn't a very good valve grind :-). 

Make no sense to me. 


Sally or Dick Taylor wrote:
> Don---I came across my copy of Kastner's CPM this a.m. and reviewed the
> charts of HP improvements after doing the mods. Note that on p.9 there
> is no curve showing a "stock" engine. Only on p.10 is the comparison
> made against the stocker. Hope this clears it up.
> I think a (performance) cam change is the best money that can be spent
> in raising total hp for the TR6 engine. Raising the CR will improve the
> full range hp of the rpm band.
> Dick

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