Mike Munson asked:
> How is the motor coming? Are you going with the 2.7 liter up grade? What
> pistons will you use?
Block is overbored 0.11". Hepolite pistons for the Mazda 626 work.
Alternatives are Miata E pistons. Both require a bit of machining to the
wrist pins. They are nice and light pistons that will easily survive up to
11:1 compression.
Jury is not yet in on the head gasket. Options are copper, or asbestos.
I'm leaning towards asbestos because it does crush. The copper gaskets are
sourced here in the US, and asbestos in Oz.
While I have all your attention, what is the list's wisdom about
foam-filled, steel-can encased fuel cells?
By mounting one in the spare-wheel well, I can lower the CG, but it is moved
further back and is perhaps more exposed in event of a rear-end accident.
It does have the frame rails on either side, but backing into a tree would
go straight into the cell.
I know that the auto-racing sanctioning bodies require fuel cells, but there
is an interesting fact: statistically, more cars burn in competition with
fuel cells than with stock fuel tanks after an accident that impacts upon
the tank.
Shane Ingate in Maryland