I'm replacing all the studs in my 1974 1/2 TR6 before I reassemble it.
Victoria British sent me the studs and all are fine except the 3 intake
manifold studs. The numbers (on the bag) correspond with the catalog #'s
but they are too long (by about a 1/2") due to the unthreaded portion
being about 1/2" longer than the originals. In the catalog all the studs
EXCEPT these 3 fit 69-76. These fit 74-76 and they list different ones
for the 69-73 models. My question is, do I have a 1973 (or earlier) head
or is VB screwed up? I also ordered water pump housing bolts and the
long one they sent is about 3/4" shorter than the length I need, the two
shorter ones are correct. Makes me wonder if the whole engine is not 74
Gary R.
1974(?) TR6 CT