Andy Packard wrote:
What did you do for ST?
Sounds like you could be a great source for settling many of the originality
debates that take place in this group!
Casting my mind back, ISTR doing as little as possible providing it didn't
adversely affect my income <smile> Spent a year or so working at the factory
in Coventry in Export Sales and was then transferred to the company's only
Showroom in London. At that time, I joined an august band of young men who
were collectively referred to by the Sales Director as Overpaid, Oversexed
and Underworked. It was a happy time. If you want to know more (shameless
plug) go to and you'll see more. Still
got some stock left and it's not too late to order for Christmas.
As to the originality debates, my memory is known to play tricks. It was a
long time ago. Had I realised then that something called the internet would
one day come into existence, I would have been a lot more vigilant. I have
to admit to not being a convert to total originality at all costs (as one
lister will confirm) and my own two Triumphs are excellent examples of a
departure from that, using certain components offering improved levels of
engiineering quality - but each to their own.
Cheers, Jonmac