Hi Hugh,
Before you go trough too much work, check to see if you have a drain plug
over there somewhere. One of my tanks had a plug and rubber washer
there. I never noticed it until I started using the tank to hold the #2
fuel for my heating system in the garage. It started leaking and was
easily remedied by snugging it up a bit.
Good luck,
On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 16:21:08 -0400 Hugh Fader <hfader@usa.net> writes:
> Well, I guess the driving season is over for me.
> Filled up the gas tank this morning. I think the level was as low as
> it had
> ever been. Parked the car. A few hours later found a puddle of fuel
> under
> the tank. It does not seem to be from the fuel outlet, but over on
> the other
> side of the tank. Anyway I spent the last couple of hours emptying
> the tank
> and cleaning up the spill. My son got a lot of free gas in his car
> out of
> the deal, so at least someone's happy.
> What's the best way to proceed? Can the tank be repaired
> economically, or
> does it make more sense to look for a new one?
> Thanks,
> Hugh Fader
> 72 TR6