Walt, you either need the special tool that spreads the mounting
brackets apart, or make something that looks like it. A picture of it
is in the back of the bentley manual. I kluged up something similar, but
there was also a post some time ago that I've reprinted here for a way
of doing it without the tool, sorry dont recall who wrote it.
>I wouldn't bother disconnecting the lower steering u-joint when you
replace the steering rack bushings. I would suggest that you set the
steering to straight ahead and then loosen both clamps. Don't remove
them both... then remove one of the clamp thingies and yank off the
bushing. Install the new bushing and then install the clamp, loosly.
Then to the other side.
>Now here's the "trick". Cock the steering wheel to full lock left. Go
to the right-side clamp and tighthen it. Note: there's a plate that you
access from the bottom of the rack - you can pry on this while you
tighten the nuts to get the rack clamp "tighter". Once you get the right
side clamp tight, turn the wheels to full lock right and tighten the
left site. It's pretty easy.
John - 1976 TR6
Walt wrote:>
The po of my TR6 had the rack mount rubber mounts replaced with stock
mounts. There still seems to be a lot of play in the rack. (1/4" ?) Is
a way to tighten the mounts without replacing them with urethane?