Hello Listers,
Just an update on Roger Williams upcoming book titled "Improving TR5/250/6"
slated to arrive early spring of 2003.
I received confirmation from the publisher that the book will be longer
(contain more words and pictures) than first planned. There are 400 pix each
and 192 pages: as the books are in colour, this means the retail price will be
$34.95 (#21.99). The club will discount the book and members will reveive an
additional discount. Price and availability will be available when the book is
actually released.
You can go to http://www.6-pack.org/books.html to read about the three books
the club is promoting. Click on any of the images of the books and you will
be taken to an online form that will allow you to be placed on a waiting list
for the new book "Improving TR5/250/6, or complete the form, print it and mail
it with your check to purchase one of the other books. Order instructions are
on the form.
Thank you to all who have reserved the new book already. 6-PACK appreciates
your support.
Mike Brinker
6-PACK Webmaster