Mark, I have a 5 HP 20 gal Sears compressor that puts out 8.4 CFM at 40
PSI. Its the horizontal tank job, and I bought it about 3 years ago.
An old friend had the same unit and it did alomost everything you could
ask for, including painting with a decent paint gun, sanding, air gun,
air chisel. If you only use this occasionally then this unit is
probably ok, otherwise the bigger the tank the less you have to wait
around for the tank to get back up to pressure during use. So, you
might check out Sears, or maybe look out for a used one.
John - 1976 TR6
Mark wrote:>
List, I've always wanted an air compressor for the garage, but now that
I've started looking a little more seriously, I'm confused. A particular
tool I wanted to use it with, an orbital polisher/sander requires 8 CFM
@ 40 PSI. I called Campell-Hausfeld, and they pointed me to a huge 7 HP
model. Seems like way overkill to me, but this is something I know
little about. Maybe it's because the polisher uses a lot of air that she
thought I should use that model. Any thoughts?