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Re: Advice on Carbs (follow-up)

To: vze2846b@verizon.net (Peter Macholdt)
Subject: Re: Advice on Carbs (follow-up)
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 11:55:49 -0700 (PDT)
Hi, Peter---I always thought the "knurled nut" was just a fine, timing
adjustment.  Note that on the later engines, it was the timing Advance
pot that was eliminated, rather than the Retard unit. 

There was a complete four page article written in an earlier 6PACK
Newsletter by an author whose name escapes me. He does go into a clear
description on just what takes place between the Retard and Advance
mechanisms on these earlier distributors, and amusingly details how they
sometimes fight each other. Definitely worth a second look for those
interested and have access to back issues of the Newsletters.


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