It was written:
> I don't even open a e-mail if the subject isn't familiar to me.
> ...might I suggest that a simple "TR6" in front of all Subject
> lines might solve the problem . . .
With all due respect, it might be more productive to ask "What can _I_ do to
solve my problem?" instead of "What can everyone ELSE do to solve my
If I just deleted all the email I get with an "unfamiliar" subject line, I'd
miss 99% of the messages I get from friends . . . unless, of course, I could
get all my friends to start all their Subject lines with the same words
(perhaps something like "HEY - READ THIS! . . .")
But I agree that it would be very helpful if an effort were made to write
clear Subject lines. I do tend to just delete messages where the subject
line is the Daily Digest number, or if it contains the words "dashpot oil"..
Jim Hill
Madison WI