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Re: A request for our Triumph Lists

To: LaJoMor@aol.com
Subject: Re: A request for our Triumph Lists
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 22:08:56 -0400
I agree it would help me too. 


LaJoMor@aol.com wrote:
> Hi everyone...
> While weeding through all of my unsolicited e-mail and spam today, a thought
> struck me. If we all were more diligent about being explicit in the 'Subject'
> lines of our submissions to the various cars lists (for me it is the 6-Pack
> and Triumphs) it might save a lot of time when we purge our daily e-mail. My
> provider doesn't seem to screen much of what is sent to me and I haven't made
> the effort to install a good 'policing' software so I still get junk.
> So, as result I don't even open a e-mail if the subject isn't familiar to me.
> Consequently I know I must have deleted some pertinent Triumph-related
> messages because they either didn't have a subject or it made no sense (to
> me).
> Sorry if I am preaching to the choir here...
> Larry M
> CD5182L

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