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TR6 toe-in

To: "'6pack'" <6pack@autox.team.net>, "'triumphs'"
Subject: TR6 toe-in
From: Hugh Fader <hfader@usa.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 18:34:26 -0400
I borrowed a very nice Snap-on toe-in gauge from a friend. It is a hollow
square aluminum bar with moveable pointers on it. One pointer has a scale.
Once you get the hang of it, toe-in is very easy to measure with this tool.

My symptom was steering pulling to the left and excess wear on the inside of
the front tires. I measured the wheels to be 1/2" further apart at the front
than at the rear! I rolled, bounced, and repeated the measurement twice to
verify it. I adjusted the alignment to get the wheel 3/16" closer at the
front than at the rear and the car now tracks pretty well with no pulling.

Question: The Bentley manual says toe-in should be between 1/16" and 1/8".
Is the reference point the center of the vehicle or the other tire? Or, put
another way: Should I split my measurement in half to get the toe in? If
not, I need to adjust it a bit more.

Hugh Fader

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