Just bought my '72 TR6 knowing the clutch slave cylinder needed rebuilding.
I decided to rebuild the master and slave since if one was going, the other
was sure do be close behind. I'm converting to silicon versus DOT 3 since
I'm replacing the entire assembly.
Now for my dilemma, I received the rebuild kit today and the gland seal for
the master cylinder appears to be to small. I know they changed from .75"
to .70" but for a 1972, I thought it would be .70". The old seal is
considerably larger than the replacement. The old seal still looks good and
doesn't appear to be swollen.
Second, the pipe going from the Master cylinder to the flexible hose has to
be bent to match the old pipe...any tricks in bending this pipe? Hate to
break it!!!!
Can someone provide insight into these items? I want to make sure I have
the correct seal before I end up with fluid all over my feet. And, I don't
want to break the new pipe.
1972 TR6
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