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Re: 7/8" rear wheel cylinders

To: Shane Ingate <madmax_xx@hotmail.com>, 6 Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: 7/8" rear wheel cylinders
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <kai@radiohead.net>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 13:58:22 -0400
> I cannot believe that this is unique to Morgan!

They are, I've done the checking... the Morgan parts suppliers want a great
deal of money for a pair of those cylinders!

However, why not bore your TR6 cylinders out to .875?  The casting numbers
on the Morgan cylinder and the Triumph cylinders are the same, which leads
me to be nearly 100% sure that the only difference is the bore.  You'll need
to find two rebuild kits for the Morgan though, so that you have the correct
size seals.


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