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Re: Electrical Problems

To: "Robert L. Gannon" <trsix74@comcast.net>,
Subject: Re: Electrical Problems
From: Peter Macholdt <vze2846b@verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 19:13:52 -0400

Classic example of the voltage stabilizer failure.  The VS is located behind
the speedo.

'68 TR250

on 6/26/02 6:59 PM, Robert L. Gannon at trsix74@comcast.net wrote:

> Took a 5 Hour drive to Washington DC today. Hot as hell! 95deg and high
> humidity making the index 105deg.
> Well when I got back to Delaware I filled up with petrol and noticed that the
> gauge did not read full. Actually the gauge read just over half. Then I
> noticed the temp gauge reading less than a quarter. I haven't checked anything
> out yet except the fuses as its so damned hot, even in the garage. They are
> ok. And I did the usual coat hanger trick in the gas tank. Some times the
> float gets stuck upon filling, after I run it down to empty. Any thoughts?
> Robert L. Gannon
> trsix74@comcast.net
> TR6   1974 CF22956U
> TR3A 1960 TS70951L
> http://hometown.aol.com/twodzusfittings/myhomepage/auto.html

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