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Re: PDWA update

To: Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com>
Subject: Re: PDWA update
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 10:54:26 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Bob> On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Gary Klein wrote:
>     >> I now admit that after the leak surfaced, I did just what you've done
>     >> and 3 years later, no problems.  I even sold a pair of o-rings to Bob
>     >> Lang on this list.  Say Bob, have you ever installed your o-rings yet
>     >> or are you still using the bolt too?  :-D
>     Bob> I'm using the o-rings on the race car... it seems to be working
>     Bob> fine! That was an early PDWA, BTW from a '69 TR6, comm # CC27777.
> That's encouraging.  Did you use o-rings with the early-style shuttle (the
> cup seal variety) or did you stick a late-style shuttle in an early PDWA?
> If you used the old shuttle, what were the o-ring dimensions?  They wouldn't
> be the same as that for the later shuttles which seem to have a larger
> diameter under the o-ring.
> Skip

I just thought about this... actually, it dawned on me last night while
replacing the distributor in the race car.  The PDWA in that car is
actually from a '72 TR6, so it was one of the later style PDWA.

It's all coming back now. I was happy that I'd have parts to sell from the
parts cars and I ran an ad in our club newsletter. The first call I got
was from a guy looking for a PDWA... the funny part was that he was
calling IL somewhere. Apparently, our club newsletter (New England
Triumphs) made the rounds out there. Any way - the _only_ part he was
interested in was the PDWA. I went out the parts cars and lo and behold
there was only one PDWA. Seems the DPO of the '69 must have had a leaky
PDWA and replaced it with two "unions" maintaining the dual circuit
design, but eliminating the BRAKE warning light and the (presumably) leaky

My hopes of becoming a millionaire from my parts cars was dashed...


Then I did something smart - I decided to build a race car!

Oh well. Enough mindless banter for now.

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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