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Re: GM alternator

To: Ronald Olds <tr6@pipeline.com>, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: GM alternator
From: Russ Pagano <pagano@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2002 18:26:26 -0400
    I'm more than happy to stand corrected if it means greater parts options
for TR6 owners. I would be interested to learn the model and retail parts
store you found the Bosch fit. and it would be good info for the List
archives. I drove several parts counter people nuts searching every possible
listing for the Fiesta - none of them fit - could tell just by looking. I
wonder if it could be a difference from the mounting pattern between the
early and later TR6. If you didn't have to change the bracket using the
Bosch that would be an advantage. I'll still bet the Bosch was 3x the cost
of the GM.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald Olds" <tr6@pipeline.com>
To: "Russ Pagano" <pagano@comcast.net>; <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: GM alternator

> Russ,
> I disagree with you regarding the Bosch alternator. When I purchased mine
> went to the local auto parts store and they had one on the shelf. There
> several different types listed for Fiestas and it has nothing to do with
> the European Fiesta. The Bosch installation is quick and simple and I wold
> highly recommend it.
> Ron
> At 10:08 06/06/2002 -0400, Russ Pagano wrote:
> >All,
> >Been down that road before. The Bosch alternator referenced is not for
> >US Fiesta but for the European Fiesta which is a different auto than the
> >version. Even if you could find one in the US the price is high and
> >replacement in western Nowheresville will be a challenge. Go with the GM
> >alternator and knock off the tab and the pulleys should align. Easy
> >to find a hacksaw and a GM alternator in an emergency. I used 2 standard
> >brackets bolted together and the stock fan belt fits nicely. You need
> >12" of bracket with an angle or arch. You can also align the case so the
> >electrical connections are where you like. Use the GM pigtail, solder the
> >connections and use heat shrink.
> >Russ

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