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Re: removing differential

To: "Bernie" <bernd.vabeach@erols.com>
Subject: Re: removing differential
From: "James Franks" <jimmble@adelphia.net>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 07:10:54 -0400

On those old rusty halfshaft bolts, I break out my oxy-acetylene rig and
burn 'em off. You might try heat on them before loosening, but I find it
easier to just torch them and buy new.

You probably won't be successful separating the exhaust pipes if they
are very rusty at all. Find a straight run of pipe and cut the pipes
there, then get a couple pieces of pipe with an ID that will slip over
your old pipes for a neat splice.

Good luck, Jim

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernie" <bernd.vabeach@erols.com>
To: <6pack@autox.team.net>; <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 12:23 AM
Subject: removing differential

> Once again I'm coming to the list for advice, this is my dilemma,
> obtained a differential from a friend of mine I was all ready to
"just" take
> my installed differential out of the car and pop the new one in, I
jacked up
> the car, crawled underneath and it hit me like a ton of bricks, the
> popping the old one out and the new one in is a figment of my
> nothing is easy,  I noticed that my Monza exhaust system interferes
with the
> straight forward dropping of the differential, so how to remove it?, I
> where the break in the pipes of the exhaust system are ( about mid way
> the car) but since the exhaust system has been installed for ages it
is pretty
> well rusted( fused together) any ideas of how to separate the pipes
> destroying the whole exhaust system?,  also I noticed that removing
the bolts
> from the half shaft ( the four bolts on each side of the differential
and the
> four by the driveshaft) are rusted in, I finally managed to get one of
> bolts loose but still haven't been able to get the nut completely off,
> strength gave out before the nut came off, I sprayed some Liquid
wrench on
> them (the bolt's) and will try to remove them again during the week,
> tricks to getting them off, sooooooo after all this rambling it comes
down to
> 1. how do I separate the exhaust pipes  and 2 is there a trick to
removing the
> bolt's so the differential can be dropped down,  as always thanks to
all in
> advance for all your collective help and advice.

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