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Re: window rattles/carb rebuilds

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: window rattles/carb rebuilds
From: "Valerie Stabenow" <hlub34a@aeroinc.net>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 17:05:43 -0500
You probably need the complete inside assembly....sorry to tell you....been
there done that.

Valerie Stabenow, 62 MGA MkII, 67 TR4a, 69 XK-E FHC, 73 TR-6, 81 Corvette

----- Original Message -----
From: "Walt Philipson" <wphilipson@bigfoot.com>
To: "Triumph Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:40 PM
Subject: window rattles/carb rebuilds

> My passenger side door window has fallen out of the track. I fixed it a
> couple weeks ago and it has come out again. When the window is in the
> it does not operate smoothly. When rolling it down, the handle will move
> (1/2 to full turn) then the window will drop down. This repeats until the
> window is fully retracted. Does this mean that my track is bad or could it
> be that just the felt is worn. I'm asking this so that I don't have to
> with those nasty pins on the window crank and door handle just for a look.
> : )
> I'm going to rebuild my carbs. I'd like to do it myself if the throttle
> shaft bushings don't need replacement. I've tried spraying carb cleaner
> to the shafts and don't notice any change in rpm.
> Thanks
> Walt Philipson
> wphilipson@bigfoot.com
> TR-6    1974
> CF19728U
> Carmine/New Tan

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