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Re: Top Dead Center

To: gln@worldpath.net (.)
Subject: Re: Top Dead Center
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 23:52:38 -0700 (PDT)
Nick---Triumph Repair Manuals show how to do find TDC properly, and if
you're building a killer engine and need to know exactly where it is,
it's best to follow the proceedure. IF all you want to do is see if it's
close enough to use the crank pulley timing marks, some teardown is
necessary. The key in the crankshaft will be straight up at TDC. If you
want to go so far as to remove the head, TDC can be found with a degree
wheel and a dial indicator on top of #1 or #6 piston, as explained in
the Bentley Book. 

Do you have a reason to believe yours is not accurate?


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