Mike---With the engine now on a stand, you'll have to do a leak down
test to see if readjusting #1 valve got the pressure back up to the
(high) readings of the others.
With the proper tools, the duration and lift of the cam can be checked
against a stock grind. The specs for the stocker can be found in the
Bentley Repair Manual. (Disregard the obvious error on one spec)
If the head has been milled it will be thinner. Anything less than the
stock thickness of 3.550 will indicate some work has been done here. A
rough estimate is that every .060 removed from the head will raise the
CR by about one point. Most '74 owners with a 7.5:1 CR report their
pressures to be around 125psi.
Since the engine is already out, now's a good time to freshen it up.