Thanks Dick. I HOPE I'm getting close. If I didn't have to work, I could
probably be done in a few days. I still have to put the head on and paint
the engine. Then, paint the engine bay. Then, install the engine,
electrical, and all the trim. I predict two weeks.
I just asked Jim, but I'll ask you too. What do you think the consequences
of too much play in the distributor would be? Would the drive gear bounce
around or something?
- Hugh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Sally or Dick Taylor
> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 9:55 PM
> To: Hugh Fader
> Cc: 6 Pack List (E-mail); Triumph Mailing List (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: Gaskets and distributor endplay
> Hugh---If all you want to do is to seal the pedestal and engine mating
> surfaces, I suppose any material would work. So far as
> 'clearance' goes,
> note that the only reason for the gasket(s) is so that parts do not
> bottom out when the pedestal is bolted down. Better to have .015 end
> play than none, so I wouldn't use any gasket material that
> would squeeze
> down very much.
> You must be getting close to firing this puppy up!
> Dick