Nelson, listers, A Moss
Motors TR250 & TR6 catalog I have dated 10/4/99 recommends running or
spinning a new pump "dry" for 30 seconds. There is apparently a carbon
race that needs to be "run in" to seal properly. According to the tech
tip in the catalog, coolant lubricates enough to inhibit the process.
There is no mention of other lubricant for the pump in this tech tip.
However, the owners handbook section of the Bentley manual (which is
from the TR250 handbook) shows a "sealing plug" on the water pump that
is supposed to be removed, replaced with a grease fitting, and greased
every 12,000 miles. I don`t ever recall seeing this on a TR6. So, who
knows? Anybody else?
Hal Morton Pascagoula,