In a message Geoffrey Parker wrote:
> Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:46:31 EDT
> From:
> Subject: No Clickie - No Startie
> Jumped in...started right up. I don't know where to begin looking. The
> is a 1974 - I would check the starter relay, but I'm not sure where it is
> exactly. I see the OD, horn and flasher relays, but no starter. One
> is for sure, however, the car doesn't get taken out again until some
> component gets replaced.
> Your collective wisdom please...
> Thanks and regards
> Geoffrey Parker
> 74 TR6
> ------------------------------
Hi Geoffrey,
I also own a '74 TR6,w/o overdrive,but I suppose that the electrical looming
is about the same exept the overdrive loom and relay.I have two Lucas relays
at the left inside fender,one closest to the wipermotor is the start relay
and one closest to the fusebox is the hornrelay.
If Your problem isn't a starterproblem,what You can check by giving the
starter direct current from the battery,it could be a relay problem or a
ignition switchproblem or a wiringproblem between al this parts.
With a electrical problem,You have to check the starterwiring by elimination
with a multimeter or a testlamp.
If You turn the ignition switch at"start",the white/red wire who departs at
the ignition switch lead the current to the buzzer located in the RH
feettunnel,there it change of color into white/orange,that's the wire who
feed the startrelay,using this current,the rerlay will close and give the
current to a fat white/red wire going to the startersolenoid ,this solenoid
is a electro-magnet witch pushes the drive pinion into the ringgear at the
same time as the starter turns.
I had this "No clickie-No startie" probem after I rewired the car with a new
loom and didn't know that the wires changing color at the buzzer,then I
tryed the starter wiring without replacing the buzzer;and because the
current is passing at the buzzer,there was no current at the relay and so
on.If Your fault is electical,"if no power-no clickie-no startie."
I really hope You can solve the problem.
Maybe this helps
CF 14047 U