Someone posted some pretty detailed instructions on this operation recently.
It involved using a bolt and socket to evenly draw the bushing into the hole.
As I recall, you started with the bushing outside of the cockpit with a bolt
and washer ran through the bushing and into the hole. Inside the cockpit you
use a "just oversized socket" over the bolt secured with a nut. You tighten
the nut to draw the bushing in to the hole. The socket sort of "cups" the
bushing and provides an even clamping surface.
Maybe someone could find the original post as I think the poster did a better
job describing this than me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Bitton []
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 2:41 PM
To: 6pack; Triumph
Subject: TR-6 Gas pedal bushing
If you can get just a little piece of the lip to go throught the fire can then use a tiny screw drive and wedge it in. Then just work
your way around bushing until the headache is over and you can enjoy your
weekend fixing something else.
I made this really simple drawing of the istallation of the bushing. If you
want a copy of the picture...Please email me.