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A-type overdrive

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: A-type overdrive
From: sue & bob <kraeuter@erols.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 21:33:43 -0500
I've just acquired an A-type O/D tranny for my TR6!  It came out of a 
TR250 I found at a salvage yard.  I have no idea of its operating 
condition, but I've removed the top cover to inspect it and it appears 
to be fine.  The gear oil looked clean, there's no bits of metal or 
broken gear teeth.  The synchronizer cups look brand new.  The clutch 
fork taper pin was broken, as was another bolt that the PO installed 
thru the front of the fork to solve a previous taper pin failure. 
 Perhaps that's why he stopped driving it.  Other than that, and the 
outside of the case being filthy dirty from road grime, it looks to be 
in working shape.

Now that its on the bench with the top cover removed, what should I do 
to it?  I'm planning to replace the clutch shaft bushes, rebuild the top 
cover using new o-ring seals on the selector shafts, test the swtiches 
mounted to the top of the cover, and of course replace the gaskets for 
the top cover, front end cover, countershaft cover, and solenoid.

I assume replacing the O/D adapter plate gasket will require a rebuild - 
is this correct?  I don't want to rebuild it if its operational, but I 
want to do what makes sense.  Should I replace the front and rear oil 
seals?  How big of a job are they?  Is there anything else that should 
be replaced while its out of the car.

By the way, my car was originally non-O/D.  I assume I'll have to get an 
upper O/D harness and mount a relay in the engine compartment.  I was 
going to install it next to the other two relays next to the wiper 
motor.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


Bob Kraeuter
'72 TR6  CC76363L

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