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Re: Spoiler for a 74

To: "Phillip J. Pallone" <ppallones@core.com>,
Subject: Re: Spoiler for a 74
From: Jeff Johnson <mondolux@speakeasy.net>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 22:02:00 -0500
These are basically unobtainium. I do know someone that has them for sale 
at the low price of about $200. - used.
Should you be interested, email me and I'll get you the particulars. Hope 
you find one on the cheaps.

Jeff w/ perfect spoiler- (not for sale) Johnson

At 08:21 PM 2/28/02 -0800, Phillip J. Pallone wrote:
>The weather is starting to get nice (except for yesterday) and I'm starting
>to get the parts ready for my 74 TR6.
>I need a front spoiler.  Moss, TRF, and Victoria British don't have them and
>don't know when they will have them.
>Does anyone have a "parts car" with a spare spoiler they are willing to part
>Phil Pallone

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