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Update: Help w Fuse box wires

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Update: Help w Fuse box wires
From: Russ Pagano <pagano@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:16:57 -0500
Well it was a short to ground and I found a white wire caught between the
pedal box and firewall-never saw that in a wiring diagram. The infamous third
white wire was just hanging out from the junction where the rear harness exits
the main harness near the kick panel. About 2 inches long with an insulated
connector on it small enough for me not to notice it last Spring when I had
the pedal box out and back in. Definitely, not something I would have
considered under the what has changed since it last ran category. I guess the
insulation just now started to give way to produce a good solid ground. Why
this ignition wire is terminated in that area is anyone's guess but it will be
a good place to hook up the electronics for the Jag electronic tach I plan to
install. It amazes me how many times I've worked on this car and still learn
something new each time mostly from fellow Listers. Thanks to those who
offered assistance and ideas. Now may I have that 70 deg day back when I first
got into this situation.
Russ Pagano

    On my 71 there are 3 white wires going to the fuse box. I can't figure
    where the 3rd one goes and it is shorted to ground. I've traced one to
    ignition switch, another to the coil as all the wiring diagrams show. No
    wiring diagram shows 3 white wires. I've poke around behind the dash and
    can't find any other destinations or find any damage to the harness. It
    looks like the 3 wire set up came from the factory since the harness
    look butchered and the unknown grounded white wire's insulation is molded
    the wire it is on the same terminal with (to coil). Oh yes, it runs and
    the electricals seems to function with the bad wire disconnected. I just
    don't like the idea of a grounded white (ignition) wire hanging around.

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