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quick ratio rack installation problems in a TR6

To: 6pack@autox.team.net, triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: quick ratio rack installation problems in a TR6
From: Rob Pennington <robp@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 10:50:20 -0600

I've got a Moss Europe quick ratio steering rack that I went to install in 
my TR6 two nights ago.  Here's the story to date and, if anyone has 
suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

The quick ratio rack comes with it's own solid mounts, which hold the rack 
much higher than the standard rack mounts.  When I went to put it in, I 
found that the fan extension was too low and the rack wouldn't go up onto 
the mounts..  Okay I thought, I know what that is and replaced the motor 
mounts with new ones that I got from TRF sometime back and was waiting for 
an excuse/reason to put them in.  This brought the engine up some but not 
enough for the rack to be installed - the fan extension was still too low.

A quick email to Moss got an equally quick and fairly detailed response on 
installing the rack and that they had heard of this but replacing the 
tired, sagging original mounts with mounts from Moss took care of it for 
another customer recently.

So I went back out this morning to look things over and it appears that the 
engine mounts can be installed with one way holding the engine just a 
little higher than the other.  So I took them out, turned them over and now 
the engine is just a little higher but not quite high enough yet to install 
the rack.  And if I did manage to squeeze it in, as soon as the engine 
started sagging in the mounts a little bit or bucked, it would bang the 
rack.  The image of the fan extension whacking the rack or slowly grinding 
its way its way into the rack doesn't appeal to me very much.  <grin>

Has anyone else installed one of these racks?  If so, do you have any advice?
Do the big three all supply the same mounts?
Any other suggestions?  I'm considering taking the fan extension off, 
having a spare one cut down so it doesn't extend into the area where the 
rack is at and putting in an electric fan. Does the extension do anything 
besides hold the fan out next to the radiator (balance, etc.)  I can't see 
it but thought I'd ask since there are folks on the list who actually know 
about these things.

Comments or help would be appreciated.

74 TR6 daily dribbler

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