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Re: Oiling those trunions

To: "Rex Townsend" <rrt@connectexpress.com>
Subject: Re: Oiling those trunions
From: "James Franks" <jimmble@adelphia.net>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:20:38 -0500

The little gun also works well on the steering rack if you remove the
plug on top where the harness grounds, and replace it with a grease
fitting temporarily.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rex Townsend" <rrt@connectexpress.com>
To: "6 Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 12:27 AM
Subject: Oiling those trunions

> Re: Phillip Eilenberg's question about the front suspension trunnions,
> believe that the trunnions really should be lubed with gear oil (SAE
> rather than grease due to the threaded construction of the trunnions
> spindles.  There have been cases of suspension failure due to
> completely seizing up from grease being used instead of gear oil.  (In
> I actually witnessed the RF suspension of a Spitfire collapse due to a
> frozen trunnion and snapped spindle.  The owner swore he had had the
> suspension "greased" frequently!)  Triumph World magazine a few months
> had an article on this very subject (maybe someone knows the exact
> Anyway, the way I oil the trunnions of my TR6 is with a small, compact
> grease gun.  This grease gun is inexpensive and readily available at
> parts stores.  It uses grease cartridges that are much smaller than a
> size grease gun (only about 4" long by 1" diameter).  I removed the
> from one of the cartridges, and replaced it in the gun.  The seal on
> grease gun piston requires a cartridge in the gun to seal properly.
When I
> am ready to oil the trunnions I unscrew the "outlet" end of the grease
> and pour in a small amount of gear oil into the empty cartridge.  I
> screw the grease gun back together and snap the grease gun onto the
> on the trunnion.  To speed up the process I turn the gun upside down
as I
> pump gear oil into the trunnion.  In a few strokes, gear oil exudes
from the
> bottom of the trunnion and I turn the grease gun right side up and
pull it
> off and move on to the other side of the car.  I only use this little
> gun for oiling the trunnions - I have a full size grease gun that I
use for
> all of the car's grease points.  This method makes very little mess.
> gun seeps a little oil when it is stored, but I keep it in a plastic
> zip-lock bag between uses.
> Rex Townsend
> 1969 TR6
> Bainbridge Island, WA (definitely not top-down weather here!)

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