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Re: Old Car Prices

To: info@theyeagergroup.com
Subject: Re: Old Car Prices
From: rcotting@mgnet.ca
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 14:44:40 -0400
I once overheard a couple of guys from our fair province of Newfoundland
discussing the outrageous price of a beer at a local club.  One of them put
an end to the discussion by saying "Ah, yes, but the price will never be so
high that it is not worth every penny".  Same goes for a TR6.  Lord knows,
we're not in this for the money.  We'd be smarter to pool our dough and buy
a Bugatti Royale.  But I, for one, will never complain about seeing values
increase.  Silly?  I'll tell you what's silly - paying $500 for an old
Barbie doll (with apologies to Barbie collectors).  And my understanding is
that the more nervous the stock market, the more rapidly tangible assets
(like classic cars), escalate in price.

Rich C.
Having fired up my TR6 on the last day of 2001 just to listen to the music.

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