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6-PACK Holiday Greetings

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: 6-PACK Holiday Greetings
From: mjmullin@juno.com
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 13:33:59 GMT
Seasons Greetings!

On behalf of the 6-PACK Board Members and many folks who make the 6-PACK 
organization one of the greatest single marque clubs (well OK, TR250s too: 
Todd, Peter, Ken, etc.), I wanted to extend a hearty Holiday greeting and best 
wishes for a happy and healty new year to all of the "listers" who have made 
the 6-PACK email list a sucessful one!  May Santa deliver many Triumph-related 
goodies to your garage!  I'm already excited about next summer, and hope you 
are too!!!!!

Cheers!  Matt Mullin, Chairman

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