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Web Site

To: corey.sherman@rcn.com, Triumph 6-pack mail list
Subject: Web Site
From: Mitchel Seff <ms6453@optonline.net>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 10:53:47 -0500
Hey Corey-Must have been a glitch but tried again & it worked.
The site is great. Obviously allot of time was invested. You do this to
well for it to be a sideline.
I have the 75 brochure and the "Big Mother" ad. It's about time someone
put all this info in a concise organized site. Look forward to seeing
you this spring. Keep up the great work!
PS. The trunk spare tire cover came out great.

Mitch Seff
75 TR6
Oceanside, N.Y.

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