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Re: camshaft bearings

To: "Matt M." <afterburn27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: camshaft bearings
From: mondolux@speakeasy.net
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 06:24:14 -0800

You are correct- the TR6 does not have cam bearings. In order to install them, 
the block would have to be line-bored at a competent machine shop. Not a cheap 
procedure.  I believe you'll find quite a few 6 owners that are not subject to 
emissions testing have removed all the smog equipment, incl. air pump, EGR 
valve and associated plumbing, ie. air injection manifold, gulp valve, etc. 
I've just done this to my motor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Jeff Johnson
'76 TR6

On 13 Dec 2001, Matt M. wrote:

> Alright, I'm trying to figure out everything I
> need to buy to get ready to rebuild my TR6
> engine. If I understand correctly, the TR6 has
> no cam bearings? Is it a worthwhile investment
> to install them? Maybe I am just completely
> misunderstanding this, but thanks for all the
> help ahead of time. Also, how many of you do
> not use the exhaust recycle valve on your
> TR6's? I am thinking of removing it, seems
> like it would make the engine breathe a little
> better. Thanks again...
>                                          -Matt
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