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Differential Rear Housing

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Differential Rear Housing
From: "James A. Tabor" <jatabor@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 20:37:32 -0400
Hey all.

Well, in an attempt to fix the infamous cracked rear diff.
bracket/frame. I was trying to take off the old (only 5 years old)
rubber bushings to replace with new ones. Well, one of the bolts
in the rear was frozen up and the head started to strip out.
I soaked it, and waited. tried to loosen. I got the nut dismounted
from the other side, but the bolt would not come loose....
long story short:

The cast broke off at the "ear" where the bolt goes through the diff.
I will now need to replace the rear portion of the diff. with a new
cast section!!!!
i was being so mindful of the freakin' aspect of the diff. being cast, but 
ended up breaking the ear of anyway!
there goes my hopes of getting the 6 back on the road tomorrow!
GREAT,....Thanks murphy [law].

Does anyone have a spare lying around or know if from the big three
if this is even available?

thanks all.

76 tr6


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