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Headers and MSD units

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Headers and MSD units
From: "Matthew Mullin" <mjmullin@juno.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 21:49:06 +0800
Hi everyone:

Regarding headers - I purchased my steel headers about ten years ago from 
British parts NW; the only trouble I had fitting them was that one or two of 
the stud holes needed to be elongated to fit.  Other than that, just the usual 
porting and matching to the head.

If you recall my 6-PACK newsletter article from about a year ago, I had these 
headers coated by Jet-Hot after years of trouble using the hi-temp spray paint 
products.  The headers look great, but it looks like they missed a few spots 
hidden in-between the tubes near the collectors (sort of like the "shadows" one 
might get with a spray can)  There were also some runs just inside the 
individual collector tubes that needed to be ground out with a die grinder. 
Service and packing was great.

My MSD 6AL crapped out on me Sunday (those of you who were with me know I 
mistakenly was blaming my UK-built Pirhana electronic ignition!) Any thoughts 
from the peanut gallery before I plunk down ~$175 on another unit?

Thanks -  Matt Mullin

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