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Re: header wrap vs ceramic coating

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: header wrap vs ceramic coating
From: "Jim Hill" <jrhill@chorus.net>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 17:33:02 -0500
mitch wrote:

> Has anyone tried header wrap? It's in the Rimmer catalog and at speed
> It does the  same thing from what i've read and much cheaper.

I don't use header wrap, but I know a number of other vintage racers who
do - or have. While there may be some folks who've been happy with it, the
folks I've talked to would not repeat the experience - claiming that the
header wrap drastically reduces the life of the header. While the header
"appears" intact, they tend to corrode and crumble inside the header wrap.

I don't know whether Jet-Hot type coatings are more or less effective in
containing heat than a good wrap, and I've seen no comparison tests. But if
you're after long life, the coating seems to be the way to go. I had the
header on my TR6 coated by Jet-Hot two years ago and I'm very happy with it.

I've also noticed that, while they don't discolor as fast, header wraps are
difficult to keep clean. I'd be concerned about accumulations of oil, grease
and gasoline drips as a potential fire hazard.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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