6-Pack stalwart Darrell Floyd has provided to us a very good guide for
putting on a 6-Pack Trials event. The guide makes it clear that some
decisions are to be made based on pre-registrations. Stuff like what
trophies get ordered and how many. More importantly, the guide suggests
that if fewer than 15 pre-registrations are received the event should be
Today is the 15th of June. Pre-registration ends July 1. We currently have
six (6) paid up registrations and a commitment for one more. If you folks
have been procrastinating about sending in your registration forms, now is a
good time get it in gear. And I am not talking about your TR6/250.
Love & kisses, your friend,
John Phillips, Claremore, OK
Green Country Triumphs & Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
76 TR6 CF51655 89 XJS Convertible