Subject: Brake bleeding
> I've been following the list about brake problems and I have some
> 1. What is the PDWA and where is it? What problems do a non centered PDWA
> cause?
> 2. My brake light remains on all the time. How do I get it to go off after
> removing the parking brake?
> I bled the system last year and everything works fine.
> I need something to do on this fine spring afternoon?
> Stuart
> 76 Carmine
> Belleville, Ontario
Hi Stu,
The weather is clearing down here in Ohio. Maybe you should take you baby
out and see if any young women want to go for a spin in a vintage car rather
then screwing around with a working brake system.
The PDWA is the Pressure Differential Warning Alarm. It senses when there
is a difference in pressure between the front and rear brake lines ---
usually caused by a leak, assuming that they were previously bled properly.
The PDWA is the brass thing shaped like a H below the brake master cylinder.
Follow the pipes from the master cylinder and you'll find it.
There's a plastic thing screwed into the top middle. This is the switch.
To see if the switch is causing the brake light to be on, unplug the
electrical connector at the top of the switch. If the light goes out then
the switch is operated. If the light stays on, make sure the park brake is
off. If the light is still on, I'd order Dan Master's book on wiring and
trace it out.
If the light goes out when you pull the connector, then the likely problem
is that the piston in the PWDA is off center. Unscrew and remove the switch
and then use a sharp object such as a scribe or awl to slide the piston to
the position where the narrowest part is under the switch opening.
Back to today's project of installing a new bright red interior in the '76.
Nelson Riedel
Granville, OH
76 TR6 (assembling after new paint)
68 TR250 (next project - new paint)
70 TR6 (all the parts in a pile ready to assemble)