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Re: Any trouble with the list?

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Any trouble with the list?
From: "The Brinkers" <thebrinkers@home.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 23:36:55 -0500
David, Mitchel, Mark, Dick and all,

Every once in a while, this list (6pack@autox.team.net) and it's digest
version get corked up.  Sometimes when the list slows down (one or two posts
in a day) the digest also will get held back...... then, all it takes is one
e-mail and the list is back to normal.  Go figure.    When I think the list
is plugged up, I go to http:///www.team.net and I try and use the mailing
list manager (majorcool).  Usually what happens is that it runs really
really really slow or not at all.  That is a pretty good sign there is a
problem eh? As a matter of fact, I just went to http://www.team.net and the
page wouldn't even load.  The problems don't look like there quite over

As list coordinator, I have little control over what happens at the server
level -managed by Mark Bradakis.  My responsibility is to moderate, answer
list problems sent by the server to me about a particular e-mail address and
try to respond to people who would like to know how to subscribe or
unsubscribe from the list.    I spend about 15 minutes (average) each day
managing list issues.
I also take any opportunity to promote this list and the 6-PACK club that I

Sorry about the problems.  In the future, if your in doubt about the list
working properly, don't send a message to the list, instead, send a message
to me at mikebrinker@hotmail.com and or try sending a message to the list
about a your car and see if it goes through.  I was on one list and at one
point, the list had a problem and there must have been 4 or 5 messages with
a subject "test".  No No NO.........

Thanks you guys for your participation and support for the list.  Now over
450 strong.

Mike Brinker
6-PACK List Coordinator

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