Hi Jim,
Prior to Christmas I went to one of the local classic car meets. One of the
guys there was racing a 2500 saloon with the Celica 5 speed. He said it was
a pretty easy conversion with no major problems. The main reason this guy
went to the Celica box was due to it's strength and availability of parts.
I understand the lower gears are different ratios to the TRiumph box, but
the 5th gear is reasonably close to the overdrive (I think he said 0.82:1,
but don't quote me on that).
The kit is made by these guys....
I'm pretty sure they would ship internationally. Remember NZ$1 is approx
US$0.45 (so you can basically half any NZ$ prices they give).
Hope this helps.
Bernard Robbins
NEC New Zealand Ltd
Network Solutions
P.O. Box 1936
Ph (04) 381 6274
fax (04) 381 6284
email brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz