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71 refector mystery cont'd

To: "6packlist" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: 71 refector mystery cont'd
From: "2000 man" <2000man@eudoramail.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 18:12:55 -0800
OK everyone, I'm gonna need some more data so that I can figure out when they 
stopped using the extra relectors. I'm gonna assume that up to this point, cars 
built 3/71 and after didn't have them installed. If anyone on this list has a 
71, send me your comm # and/or build date, and I will compile a list (email me 
off-list). Especially needed are cars built in 2/71 and 4-5/71.
By the way, I have an original sales brochure for the '71, and it shows the car 
WITH them. I also noticed that they airbrushed in the polished wheel trim rings 
on the pictures, too - it looks pretty odd!
Ryan Van Luchene
6/71 Imperial/Sapphire blue 

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