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Another (USA) 74-76 question

To: "6pack List" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Another (USA) 74-76 question
From: "JPHaeg" <haeg1@mninter.net>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 10:52:17 -0600
I read in a magazine somewhere that when the TR6 bumpers were raised, and the
bumper guards were added that Triumph also raised the car slightly in the
front. If I recall correctly, this added height was achieved by adding a
spacer somewhere in association with the front springs. The spacer is supposed
to be easily removed, lowering the front of the car, and hopefully improving
the handling. I didn't see anything obvious on my car.
Is any of this true? Has anyone done this? If so, please explain what you did,
and the results you obtained.
Take care,
John H. in Minneapolis

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