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RE: Carb Gas Leak

To: TR66pack@aol.com, 6 Pack List <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Carb Gas Leak
From: Phil Buck <PhilB@kxr.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:52:27 -0700
What was the condition of the gasket between the choke cover and the carb
If that gasket was leaking gas it could seep into the screw hole since it is
deeper than the screw is long. Once the hole has filled it would drip for a
long while and look like the source of the leak. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: TR66pack@aol.com [SMTP:TR66pack@aol.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 8:37 AM
> To:   6pack@autox.team.net
> Subject:      Carb Gas Leak
> Hi,
> One of the carbs on my '74 '6 seems to be leaking from a screw hole. This 
> situation is beyond describing with words so I posted pictures and
> additional 
> info on my web site. I welcome any and all ideas on why a screw hole,
> above 
> the floats, seems to be leaking gas even when the car is not running!
> To see the pictures, go to:
> http://www.riveting-images.com/Carb_leak/carb_leak.html
> Thanks in advance. As I'm in the process of abandning this email address 
> (tr66pack@aol.com), please use the link in my web page to respond to me 
> directly. I'll share the winning idea if/when I get one so everyone will 
> benefit from my problem.
> Kerry Fores
> Editor
> 6-Pack

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