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windshield replacement

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: windshield replacement
From: RedTriumphTr6@aol.com
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 15:10:12 EDT
Hey listeners...I am contemplating replacing my windshield (windscreen to you 
Brits) and am wondering if all I need to buy is the glass, as all my seals 
and trim look great.  In other words, is it always necessary to replace the 
rubber seal on the inside and or the outside trim of the car when new glass 
is installed ? I am having a glass/windshield shop do the installation, as 
this job intimidates me...even though I replaced the dash pad and wood fascia 
myself....that was quite a treat as I recall.  I just do not want the glass 
shop telling me that installing new glass requires that I also replace all 
the trim, unless you guys suggest that I do so.   Bob Pierson

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