This is a follow-up to an email about the Pozidrive screws on our carbs.
After the posting, I got to thinking that I should buy a PZ2 screwdriver
instead of using the Phillips head that I usually use to remove the carb
dashpot. The Phillips screwdriver has begun to strip the heads and made
the screws look a bit messy.
I checked a few hardware and auto supply shops but couldn't find any
Pozidrive drivers. Finally, I looked at Sears Craftsman tools. They do
not make one piece Pozidrive screwdrivers but they do have Pozidrive
bits. These bits fit into a magnetic handle, also sold by Sears. The
part number for the package of bits (containing the sizes PZ1, PZ2 & PZ3)
is 925644 and they cost $4.99.
Peter Macholdt
Peter Macholdt
609-466-2127 Phone
603-925-3050 FAX