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RE; what to do

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE; what to do
From: Bill McIntire <william.mcintire@wright.edu>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:18:36 -0400
Ryan & 6Packers - Personally I'd take a chance on the OD
unit. It's a royal PIA to put back on the trans. There are
two spline shafts in the rear of the unit that must be
aligned to re-install the unit. No matter how hard you try
those suckers will move while installing the OD unit and it
won't fit. Real exercise in frustration.
The OD has a filter in the bottom, inside the big ol' brass
plug thing. By all means clean it in addition to changing
the oil. On top there is a 7/16 or 1/2" (?)cap screw painted
red. Under it there is a rod type affair with oil passages
in it. Should be cleaned also. Operate the OD shift
mechanism on the OD unit at least 10 times before you remove
the red screw. The unit has the potential for 400+ lb
pressure under it, cycling it will relieve the pressure. If
it has pressure, it may remove vital body parts.

HTH, Bill

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