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Re: PI rebuild

To: John Denson <John.Denson@saabaircraft.com>
Subject: Re: PI rebuild
From: Anthony Gordon <tgordon@saginaw-city.k12.mi.us>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 09:54:50 -0400

There is an archive for the 6-pack list (as well as the much larger and 
somewaht more diverse Triumph list) -- both archives are hosted by 
listquest: try http://www.listquest.com/lq/search.html?ln=triumphs or 

The Big Triumph list (T2000 & 2500 list is a great resource for PI info). 
Egil Kvaleberg <egil@kvaleberg.no> in Norway (just next door!) is a great 
resource http://www.kvaleberg.com/t2000.html.  Egil is also the most 
knowledgable person I know on PI matters.

I obtained my U/L seals from Mike Pumford in the UK.  Not cheap, but a lot 
less than a rebuild (and I wanted to do that myself anyway).  You cannot 
undertake the rebuild without the Lucas manual (details on the T2000 list), 
but it is pretty straightforward once you have that gem (also, you DO NOT 
need the special tools listed in the manual -- if you proceed, tell me when 
you are ready, and I'll explain why you do not need them).

On the injector front: Pumfords (MPumford@aol.com) will also sell you 
rebuilt injectors (about 15 quid each, I think), but Egil has written a 
briefing on how to replace the seals yourself, and you can find that in the 
archives. You mention that you think that you have manifold leaks ... Can 
you see/feel slop in the butterfly spindle bearings?  if not, have you 
tried spraying butane (risky) or starting fluid (better, but still a bit 
risky) on the spindle pivot ends to see if you get an RPM increase?  (Be 
very careful with the above suggestions, and have an extinguisher nearby!).

The unleaded question is a both a myth and a dilemma: the myth -- that you 
need leaded fuel to lub the metering unit: this is apparently hogwash since 
the basic design is derived from the CAV (subsidary of Lucas) diesel pump; 
not too much lead in diesel anyway.  On the seals front - you will need to 
upgrade to U/L type seals: the older seals will swell and deteriorate with 
the U/L cocktail of chemicals.  The idea of running 2-stroke oil sounds 
intriguing, 'though I can't imagine how it would counter the effects of U/L 
fuel!  Still, it would look like a genuine Triumph -- oil drops underneath, 
and blue smoke out the back!  And the racing fuel idea is fine, but the 
problem will still exist if you blend your fuel with any U/L.  Finally, I 
seem to ecall a list member a while back making some observations on the 
various U/L blends in different countries, and it seems that some are more 
benign than others.  My recollection was that UK U/L is chemically fairly 
agrresive, but has a higher calorific value than the US U/L blend.  Don't 
think anything was said about Swedish gas though ....

Good luck!


At 02:44 PM 6/5/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Excuse me for sending this off list but I have only just begun subscribing
>to 6pack and have no idea what has gone before - and I guess there is no
>archive facility (unlike the Stag-digest that I have been using for the
>last couple of years).
>I have recently purchased a UK spec TR6 with the 150 hp setup. Could you
>tell me where you managed to source seals etc for the metering unit. My car
>runs - but not well (intake manifold wear and leaky injectors I guess). I
>managed to source parts for the metering unit on my last car - but that
>was a few years back. Luckily I have a spare PI setup to raid for parts
>but I'm reluctant to reuse anything without rebuilding it.
>Can you guide me to a reference recommending what to do about running on
>unleaded with Lucas PI (i.e. from the point of view of lubrication of the
>metering unit). This issue seems to elicit invitations to spend huge amounts
>of money from English suppliers on exchange units - and then they do not
>guarantee the metering unit against seizure. Here in Sweden large doses of
>two stroke engine oil are recommended with each fill. That does'nt sound
>either. At present I'm running on an old supply of Hi-lead racing fuel added
>to each tank of unleaded.
>Thanks in advance.
>John Denson

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