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Re: Kevin, go have a cold one and relax!

To: "Rex R. Townsend" <rrt@connectexpress.com>,
Subject: Re: Kevin, go have a cold one and relax!
From: "Jorge Lozano" <jmlozano@ismi.net>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 22:38:14 -0400

Thank you.  Hot pink here we come

----- Original Message -----
From: Rex R. Townsend <rrt@connectexpress.com>
To: 6 pack list <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 11:54 AM
Subject: Kevin, go have a cold one and relax!

> I think that Jorge's car looks magnificent - wish I had money in my TR6
> budget for wheels like that!  But, Kevin, lighten up!  One of the reasons
> that I enjoy my TR6 so much is that the enthusiasts tend to be tolerant of
> modified cars and cars that have been changed to accommodate the owner's
> personal tastes.  As a whole, our LBC brethren are just out to enjoy their
> cars, some more for absolute originality, some modified for their personal
> tastes!  In my book, if Jorge wants to paint the rear of his TR6 lime
> it's okay  by me!  BTW, when I first bought my 1969 TR6 back in 1991, I
> traded off my original Rostyle wheels and caps because I didn't like the
> looks, and couldn't stand the rattling they made under hard cornering.
> someone who is really into originality has the Rostyles and I have a set
> 1970-1972 style wheels on my car which I like much better.  Is this wrong?
> Rex Townsend
> Bainbridge Island, WA

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