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Sputtering & stalling

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Sputtering & stalling
From: John Summers <trumpet@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 21:15:44 -0400
Guess what happened today?  Got the TR 6 started and went for a drive. 
Got about four miles out  and it quietly shut down at a stop light . 
So, I and a nice TREE SURGEON pushed it across the street  and he took a
look under the hood.  I cranked and he looked.  He saw the problem
immediatly.  The wire to/from the positive side of the coil had no
insulation for about 8" and in the harness down along the wheel well
there was a "hole" in the wrapping where the same wire had burnt
According to him the exposed wire was arcing.  Said any time I feel like
the thing is missing on a cylinder it was probably the exposed wire
against the spark plug wire.  It was coughing quite a bit.  I happened
to have some handy-dandy electrical tape and we taped up the offending
wire and  jump started me to get started since 
 the battery has been discharging - like, everyday - also.  Could it be
from that wire shorting on something??  Anyway, I got home and will take
a closer look at the situation Monday.
John Summers

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